GamePro Germany Gives Darksiders II a 93%

GamePro Germany

We are less than two weeks away from the release of Darksiders II and the reviews are now starting to come in. The first review comes from GamePro Germany and they gave the game a 93% score! While this is an in-print publication and not available online, GamePro Germany did state “Darksiders 2 is a nearly perfect videogame”

It’s still a bit early for most publications and websites to post their reviews but these will definitely start popping up over the next two weeks. For GamePro Germany in particular, it’s worth noting that they gave the original Darksiders a 92%. Obviously we expect a better game from the sequel, but as the game review industry goes, as a console gets older a game must be considerably more polished in order to receive a same score. Thus, seeing a higher review score from this publication is great news indeed.

GamePro Germany Darksiders II
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